Rob Hinchliffe on lower limb / CLTI care delivery in the UK

Very slick. Highlighted that time-to-specialist-intervention is variable and is the main bottleneck. Detailed a number of important lower limb revasc. papers clearly along his slides - which exam going trainees in particular will find particularly valuable.

Ref above is the NICE NG19 guidance website

Ref above - Diabet Med. 2018;35:1072-1077

Ref above - EJVES 2017;53:206-213

Ref above - EJVES 2014;48:440-6

Refs above. Brownrigg. JVS. 2014;60:982-6 and Young. Diabetes Care 2008;31:2143-7

BJS 2021;108:951-959

Annals Vasc Surg. 2014;28:1719-28.

Did take one contentious stand in my view - that complex “outlandish” salvage manoeuvres had no role, because the greater good would come from doing only tried and tested stuff, and doing it in time.

Sean Matheiken