CERAB. Andrej. Live. 6.6.22
Commenced session with intro by Dierk Scheinert
AIOD. 6 Jun 2022 Monday is BH in Germany.
10-14 measurement on the disal aorta
not really calcified
choosing CERAB
coming from arm
Rretro up from left with Command 18 was very easy
6 balllon coming in
5F from the arm. Took a straight stiff Terumo and hammered with n o success
cut off the Judkins tip for better grip - no luck
changed to 6F at the arm and used a Multi 6F and a Judkins
Tried a CTO wire no luck
Supracore wires
somtehing about trying to get into a balloon …
different angulations to see distance between wires
Ballooned balloon below then sent the wire from above down - it passed down then into the EIA easily
useing a Jukdins wide catehter and passed the brachial wire into it - usually easy in a narrow EIA
Now chaning from 18 to 35 system for better stability
Now - decide “what to take in”
REturn3ed to Andrej after 4 talks, case completed. Has placed a large single aortic stent and then CERAB reconstructions from both groins. Interestingly did not have retained wire cacess from teh left recanalised CTO while he deployed the top aortic!
Used V12s all the way through I think?